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Download both  Neo's Hanja  and  Neo's Vocabulary    

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    *Windows 9X, 2000,Me,NT, XP

    *Microsoft Power Point or Power Point Viewer   (INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD)

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D o w n l o a d   C o n t e n t s

Neo's Hanja 5.0

From beginner's level to advanced. 1-1400 characters PLUS 
4-Character Idioms (사자성어) included.

This is our Second Anniversary Edition including over 100 -four character sayings added incrementally as the difficulty of the Hanja increases throughout the program.

Neo's Hanja Vocabulary 1.0
Neo's Hanja Vocabulary is useful for learners of Korean Vocabulary -especially Sino-Korean vocabulary for intermediate students. 
Version 1.0 contains at least 500 vocabulary 결합어 items.